In the beginning...

This lady medium first visited the Lodge in March '19.  She initially came along to sit in support of the other mediums before, in August, being offered the opportunity to sit in the cabinet herself on a trial basis.

As soon became her regular habit, in October this lady medium sat as usual.  On this occasion a supporting guest (another medium) sat alongside myself as supporting witness.  I feel it inappropriate at this time to offer a full séance report...but suffice to say that the development of trance mediumship is a fascinating process to witness and that reports of developmental progress will be published in due time.

During the séance, amongst other visual presentations, both witnesses felt, and saw, the presence of a young ballet dancer working with the medium.  The guest sitter felt this lady to be French, and the name of Rose was suggested to her.

Following the séance, as a matter of interest, the guest sitter decided to investigate see if there was in fact a famous French dancer of the given name.  The process of discovery began with a Wikipedia search...typing 'Ballet+Rose' into the search box...which led to this gem:
Le Spectre de la rose  and then further searching led to this: You Tube...the ballet and this poem: The Phantom of the Rose

Such investigations have a valuable part to play in the séance circle as, quite aside from the evidential value of the findings, demonstrated interest in the subject is highly beneficial.  The investigation has also brought about the adoption of the name for this mediums' Circle here in the Lodge.